The sushi restaurant is quite good in terms of hygiene and is of a self-serve basis. You help yourself with the 'assistance' of the sushi-go-round conveyor belt and a hot water tap is shared between every two people. Cups are overhead with tea bags and wasabi
provided by the staff, ginger and soy sauce are in containers at every seat. However, the quality (especially the rice) is not so good but acceptable. Sushi in which they don't have on the belt can be placed on-demand at no extra charge.
Overall, I would rate this restaurant 3/5 for its excellent price, mediocre food quality, long lines, attentive staff and poor variety. They operate 2 stores in total on the same street but just opposite of each other. If you want high-class, high-price, look somewhere else (e.g. Genki Sushi, Itamae Sushi - there's one at Hong Kong International Airport)
Store 1 - 6/F Shop No. 612-613, Dragon Centre, 37 Yen Chow Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon
Store 2 - G/F & 1/F Milan Place, 58 Yen Chow Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon